My Invention

Do you know how you have a bathroom at your house well what if a made a invention that where you press a button and your toilet comes from your bathroom and know’s where you are at all the time .So any time you have to go you can go to the restroom.Also if you are going to take a long car ride you don’t have to worry you just need to press the button .And it will find where you are plus it has a tracker so if you go out of state it still knows where you are and once you are done using it you flush it down. And then press the button again and it will go back to your house. And the great thing is that it is fast so as soon as you press the button again and it is gone.Plus now you don’t have stop at a smelly disgusting rest area and you get to keep on going.

I think it would be a good idea because. There is no mess to clean up and you don’t even have to worry about it. Because you might wonder what about cars well it has sensors so it will not run into or hit cars.Another thing about a potable toilet is  that  you get to your destination faster than to stop every five minutes. Also say that you are at home on the couch and you got to use the restroom you don’t even have to get up to use it.Just press the button. I like this idea because it is your own toilet not any other people’s toilet.

Another reason why is if you have a baby that really needs to use the restroom they can just go. Yes this invention is patent.The portable toilet dates back in world war 2 when the the owners of the shipyards when they realized that all of the employees where losing a lot of valuable work time because of nature’s call. That’s when they came up with the idea with the portable toilet.They also made them with wood or metal that had a small holding tank under neath.As a result more work got done ,also the worker’s where happier,plus the  portable toilet industry was birthed.

Bed PanCreative Commons License Michael Coghlan via Compfight

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