My Invention

Do you know how you have a bathroom at your house well what if a made a invention that where you press a button and your toilet comes from your bathroom and know’s where you are at all the time .So any time you have to go you can go to the restroom.Also if you Read More…

My 3 favorite holidays

My favorite holidays are Christmas, Halloween and Thanksgiving. Richard Ricciardi via Compfight  I like Christmas because of you get presents, but it is about Jesus being born. It is all about him because that is when he was born. It is also a regional also cultural to some people because that is how they spend Read More…

Free Choice

Kim via Compfight Pickles. I like pickles because they are good crunchy and dilly. My most favorite pickles are dill pickles. I could eat a whole jar of pickles. They are awesome but they are very good for you because you get vitamins. It helps your strength. Pickle juice is actually good for you because Read More…

My 20% project

I really do not like this project because there is a lot of thing that we CAN NOT do. But there is some fun parts in this project. There also not enough time on every Friday so far. Yes some parts of this project are fun. It is hard for when we have to meet Read More…

Attribution and Licences

Attribution: Attribution is when you get a regarding something so if is being caused by someone or something. Licences:is when you can get a permit from any kind of authority to ether keep it or you get to own it that means it is your no body else can have it.

How chocolate is made

  How chocolate is made. Chocolate is made when you go pick the cocoa from the tree and crack it open and then take it and let it sit for a while. Then you really want to let the seeds dry. Next, go to a manufacturer and give the cocoa to them and then grind Read More…

My Halloween Rocking Avatar

I those my avatar like this because I like to watch fire. That is why I those the background. It represents what I like. I like Halloween, so I chose bat wings and also a skull face. In my avatar is shows a guitar and I love guitar. Right now my dad is teaching me Read More…